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Meycauayan recent comments:

  • Jun Computer Shop, z (guest) wrote 16 years ago:
    c princess ang ngbabantay ng shop n malaki ang tiyan
  • basketball court, zi0r wrote 16 years ago:
    Please add name of the location.
  • ubsuna court, zi0r wrote 16 years ago:
    Please add other information/category and address to better describe the tag. ALSO CHECK-OUT User Guide: Advice for New Users
  • Parokya ni San Isidro - San Roque, ArNi (guest) wrote 16 years ago:
    I uSed to pLay tHe roLe oF MaMa MaRy dUriNg SimbAng gaBi heRe in tHe SimbahAng BiLog. I aLso pLayEd tHe roLe oF AngeL GaBrieL.. I was a mEmbeR oF cHiLdrEn's cHoiR fOr 9 yEaRs.
  • Sun Cellular Site, krugger (guest) wrote 16 years ago:
    Sun Cellular Site MEYCAUAYAN2
  • Citation Homes Subdivision, Paglomutan.. (guest) wrote 16 years ago:
    ahaha.. Citation ..
  • Sto. Nino Police Station, jazz (guest) wrote 16 years ago:
    wag mo n me huliin bermejo ha hehe pero ok naman mga rules mo
  • Sto. Nino Police Station, BUGOY (guest) wrote 16 years ago:
  • Parokya ni San Isidro - San Roque, betia 75 (guest) wrote 16 years ago:
    This is the Church i used to hangout pag simbang gabi kasama ko ang my cousins ko from ZIGZAG HILLS sana may makabasa nito ....Kamusta po kayong lahat nang mga taga Daungan from Newyork CITY (U.S.A) po
  • Malhacan Elementary School, betia 75 (guest) wrote 16 years ago:
    Malhacan Elementary School ,Dyan po ako nag aral Back in 70S From NEWYORK CITY U.S.A po ito.....
  • IUF Montessori, Stephanie vergara (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    iisa lng kmi nung stephanie!
  • IUF Montessori, Stephanie (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    anu b yan nicole!mahiya ka nman!ABNO!we study here in this school!punta kau hanapin nyo ako!ako lng kz mtino sa min
  • St. Anne School of Meycauayan, slick (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    teacher hanne...
  • Malhacan Elementary School, sky21 (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    malhacan elementary school,alfredo
  • Modulplus System Corp., ivy (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    First of all you do not have the right to judge me as a person and you do not have the right to ruin my reputation because you don't know how I work, and who am I as a person. Are you 100% sure that I am the one you are talking to?! I'm not the one answering the phone and I did not handle the recruitment not until June 2008.. You posted my name and said bad comments about me but you do not have the guts to put yours? dont you think thats unethical? Are you afraid because I can file a libel case against you.. Take a look at yourself first.. I do not have the attitude you are implying.. It's better if you confronted me and make a confirmation if I am really the one you are talking to.. And please indicate you name so I can know who I am talking to.... Thank you.
  • Ground 7, Stealth Tactical League Air Soft Game Site, pogi!!! (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
  • I-Wire Internet Cafe Shop, cams (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    bagal Pc dito
  • Meycauayan College, blue11 (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    This is where I graduated High School.
  • Verna's Canteen, taenmnkainanjan (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    ang bohoy ni dudong
  • 43DC TAPSILOGAN AT IHAW-IHAW, 43DC TAPSILOGAN AT IHAW-I (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    WE’RE OPEN Everyday!- 43DC TAPSILOGAN AT IHAW-IHAW-LAWA, MEYCAUAYAN CITY- (near Meywoods Subd. Gate in front of PULIS Stn.)- We serve..- Tapsilog, Porksilog, Longsilog, Chicksilog, Dasilog,Pork & Chicken BBQ, Inihaw na Bagus, Inihaw na Pla-pla, Inihaw na Pusit, Sizzling sisig, Calamares,Steam Pla-pla, Kikiam/Squidball, Soup, Coke, SMB and many more….- Come Visit Us! “We Happy to Serve You”